Stewart, Melvin & Frost


Be Sure to Register Your Drone, It’s the Law

If you got a drone for Christmas and haven’t registered it yet with the Federal Aviation Administration, you need to.

The FAA requires all owners of model aircraft, small unmanned aircraft or drones, or other RC aircraft weighing between 0.55 and 55 pounds to register online. The registration fee is $5. If your drone weighs more than 55 pounds or you are flying the drone for commercial use, there is a more detailed, paper registration form to complete. All for forms can be found at

The online registration system will require drone owners 13 years and older to submit their name, email and home address to receive a Certificate of Aircraft Registration/Proof of Ownership. This will include a unique identification number owners must affix to any drone they own and operate exclusively for recreation.

Drone users are facing the possibility of fines up to $27,500 if you don’t register your devices with the federal government.

FAA says registration requirement encourages a culture of accountability and responsibility. Much like registering a motor vehicle, registering a drone ties a specific person to a specific aircraft. Greater accountability will help protect innovation, which is in danger of being undermined by reckless behavior. This requirement mirrors the requirement for manned operations and commercial UAS operations.

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